Job or Relationship Changes
Yoga Is Self Care
The prospect of changing a job or relationship status can feel scary, insurmountable, and disorienting, while at the same time, liberating and empowering. Knowing if the decision is right for you or where to begin can feel overwhelming, as you consider the changes that need to happen in order to feel more fulfilled and at peace in life. Following through with choices and changes, whether staying or going, can feel hard to adapt to, questioning who you are within or without your current job or relationship.
SoulFly Therapy can help you tune into your body and find
decisions that resonate true for you as you:
Listen to your body’s response to stress.
Reconnect with inspiration and creativity.
Acknowledge burn-out and find ways of feeling refreshed.
Find the courage to step into unknown.
Work with resistance and create action towards acceptance.
Adapt to a changing dynamic and new way of life.
Find new ways of being with what’s present while finding the courage to make changes.